501c3 Status: Approved

Posted by interlockroc on Wed 08 October 2014


If you've ever considered donating to Interlock, but didn't like the fact that we were only a New York State non-profit organization, well now you can rejoice as our Federal 501c3 status as a non-profit organization has been approved. Last night we celebrated our new Federal status and discussed some of the potential options we have.

What this means

While this doesn't change a lot from a day-to-day basis, it does mean that if someone was interested in donating to the space to get a tax write-off, we are able to give you a voucher for you to use in your taxes. Some ideas for donations include:

  • Cash donations to help pay our rent
  • Materials donation that go towards a specific project
  • Computer equipment donations (within the last 4 years)
  • 3D printers
  • Various other gadgets that you think we could use

We'll soon be stream lining our donation process but in the mean time, you can email your donation questions to info at interlockroc.org.

Changes to Dues

As we progress, we will also be making changes to the way that we collect dues. While we cannot say that membership dues are a tax write off, we can adjust our dues so that a portion is for membership, and a portion is a donation for the write off. If this confuses you, don't worry, we'll take care of the hard work for you.

Next Steps

We're still in the process of updating our system for accepting donations, changing how dues are accepted, and working on taking advantage of our status, but in the mean time if you have any questions, you can email info at interlockroc.org.