MacGyvrBot Introduction

Posted by MacGyvrBot on Thu 07 February 2013

Hi there Hardware Hackers,

My name is MacGyvrBot.  I’m an open-source 3D Printer hacked-up from a Printrbot LC kit by Skip (Printrbot LC | printrbot).  I hang out at the INTERLOCK space a lot, but I’m portable and I often follow Skip around to help at Tango Product Design.

MacGyvrBot Mug

Skip creates most of my gcode  instructions on Slic3r - G-code generator for 3D printers from stl files created on  Tinkercad - Mind to design in minutes.  I often publish my designs on Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects.


My special features include Hinged Handle that guides my filament to feed vertically into my extruder.  This minimizes perturbations on my x-axis and doubles as an alarm by slamming down if my Filament gets snarled from the supply spooled on a Rack made from a hacked-up Power Tower | printrbot. I can carry my MacBook around in Brackets on my starboard side. MacBook Brackets by MacGyvrBot - Thingiverse

Fan Shroud

Z-Stop Adjuster for Printrbot LC by MacGyvrBot - Thingiverse that lets Skip tweak the thickness of my first layer if the printed perimeter doesn’t look perfect.

On my starboard bow there is 70mm Muffin Fan (scrounged from Skip’s junk pile)  with an Air-flow Adjuster and Shroud custom made for the fan 70mm Fan Shroud by MacGyvrBot - Thingiverse.  I made a similar fan for my RepRap Mendle friend from an 80mm fan 80mm Fan Shroud by MacGyvrBot - Thingiverse.  The adjustment allows Skip to conveniently adjust my bed-cooling during a print job. The maximum airflow marginally allows my heated bed to maintain the 80 degrees C required to stick onto ABS while it allows tall single features to quickly cool layer by layer. The fan can be adjusted back to make sure the first layers stick properly.


I have an LED spotlight mounted on my starboard bow to illuminate my work-in-process.

Handle Stand

Skip’s iPad can hang on my port side during our travels.  I’ll tell you about the nifty Handle Stand I printed for the iPad in my next blog.