November Lightning Talks

Posted by berticus on Mon 08 November 2010


Join us this Friday, November 12th at 8pm for another stimulating night of lightning talks at Interlock! Lightning talks are five minute(-ish) presentations on whatever topic you're passionate about, and we try to get through fifteen or twenty of them in a night. The event is free and open to the public, and anybody is welcome to present. We'll have some food and beverage on hand to stimulate digestion and discussion.

If you're going to present, and need to get slides situated, please show up a little early and/or mail your slides to sometime before the event. We encourage a wide variety of topics... not just tech-oriented subjects. Previous talks have been about lockpicking, homebrewing, bookbinding, artificial intelligence, basic electronics, laser cutting, and on and on. Teach us something new!


Here is our Googley Maps page where you can get directions to the space. Once you get into the parking lot of the Hungerford building, you'll want to look for Door #1 and head down into the basement to find us.

Also, if you are on the Facebooks, please do RSVP to our event on said site, so we can calculate pizza ingestion and seating requirements. See you this Friday!