YNN, meet Interlock.

Posted by antitree on Wed 28 March 2012

This morning a few members stopped by to meet reporters from YNN. Seth Voorhees and Veronica Chiesi were given the nickle tour, and then chatted with Bill, Von, Brian and myself. Thankfully they weren't scared away by the level of geek in the room.


Brian wowed them with his always crowd pleasing custom pen plot-matrix printer he's famous for. The picture above is the pre-printed artist's rendition of Seth holding his mic.

image1Von, Brian, and Bill put on their smart hats and answered questions about Interlock. Von, showed off the ham radio room and his skills for speaking with human beings. Bill spoke about his background, why he has been involved with Interlock, and included some razzle dazzle by printing on the 3D printer.

Brian, with his boyish good looks, sparkled on camera while showing off his knowledge of all things blinky. I have to admit that while it's nice to have Interlock get some PR, my first goal in setting up the interview was to get Brian's face on TV. If you've met Brian, you'll know that he's a very intelligent, multi-faceted, multi-facial-haired, reluctant leader. I think that he is a very good representation of what the modern hacker/maker looks and acts like. But, he's also not the normal talking head you would see on TV which is why I want to get him out there even more. I'm giggling right now thinking about seeing him on YNN now.

Feeling bad for the quiet bear-hat wearing man on the couch, YNN even included me in a quick interview. I worked with Bill and Von on a lock picking demo that I hope makes to air. Veronica even challenged me to a lock picking contest where I had to go from nothing in my hands, pick up the tools, and pick the lock. I surprisingly aced it picking a 4 pin lock. (Thanks TOOOL) This will never be on the air of course.

UPDATE: Check out the `story here: <http://rochester.ynn.com/content/578776/welcome-to--hackerspace-/>`__


Thanks to Von Brian and Bill for taking the time to come out and intelligently represent the group. We don't know when/if the story will air. Surprisingly, some people have more important things to hear about than local hackerspaces but we'll let you know when.
