Articles by dzho

Interlock is a non-profit organization that provides space for its members and the local community to develop and share their interests in science, technology, art, and culture.

Raspberry Pi IP audio announcement: ippivox

So, you can ssh into your Raspberry Pi, even if you don't have any HDMI-capable display equipment at hand.  The trick, though, is...

Unexpected googling win

So, pursuing goals too convoluted to explain well on a lazy Sunday, I went to see what I could find about a certain type of data...

Rochester Academy of Science: 40th Annual Fall Scientific Paper Session

The Rochester Academy of Science holds its 40th Annual Fall Scientific Paper Session, consisting of short talks, posters, and a keynote...

Family Friday at RMSC

Interlock brought five demonstrations to our table at the Rochester Museum & Science Center Friday, July 19, 2013. This was noon to 4...

new spaces galore

Just thought I'd take some time to catch us all up on several recent developments beyond Interlock, but somewhat local, that are...

Printing a 3D Insulin Model

We've held the second of our monthly 3D printing meetings recently, with a fifth person getting trained up on how to use our current...

Quick open house recap

I  don't have tons of statistics or great pictures or anything--I suppose those that have them might post them later--but in the...

familab visit

We were delighted to receive embassy from FamiLAB during our weekly Open Night on Tuesday in the person of John S, who stopped by on his...

recycled paper origami

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Giftmas origami balloons made out of wrapping paper."][/caption] One way I kept on...

Dashing through the thermoplastic

It's that time of the year, again, when families across the country are messing with long strings of electrical wire, crazy light bulbs,...

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